Friday, May 16, 2008

Hut Hoe!

I woke up this morning at 4:30, just before the sprinklers are set to go on. I feel about 90 years old as I attempt to get out of bed…rocking back and forth to get enough momentum to thrust myself onto my feet. My armpits ache, by butt is practically numb; I have a blister in the middle of my back from a bathing suit malfunction. My hands are all cut up and my jaw feels like I’ve crunched my way through a Costco sized bag of mini carrots. I’VE NEVER FELT BETTER!
Molly, Tracey and I took the plunge and joined the Canoe Club at the beginning of May and have been faithfully paddling 4 days a week… what I described above is the hard part... the rest is absolutely amazing.. toes in the sand pushing a 400 pound, 6-man canoe out onto the moonlit water…there’s nothing better. Living in Maui has put a ceiling on many aspects of my life so it is this very type of activity that makes Maui such an incredible place to live. Watching the sunrise while swimming besides the Honu (giant sea turtles) and humpback whales isn’t a bad way to start each morning. For now, our regattas are short distance sprints, but after regatta season, long distance paddling begins and we will be able to do long crossings from island to island. This picture shows a typical 6-man canoe; I found this photo on the internet but Mike happens to be sitting in the 4th seat. Our first official race is this Saturday so more pictures to come! Send victorious thoughts my way and a little Ben-Gay!

Meet da Chef

6 months ago the gods of the Hawaiian Islands shined upon me and brought to me this hunky, talented, huge-hearted, humble soul of a man… who’s name is Michael Lofaro Jr~ Mike is the Exec. Chef of the fine dining restaurant at the Grand Wailea (where I work as what’s most accurately classified as ‘Spa Slave’). Mike has proven to be the biggest perk of the job thus far, outmatching free massages, gym access, salon treatments and last but not least HEALTH INSURANCE (it is worth noting that the day I was awarded health insurance for the first time in years my immune system decided to go on vacation (hopefully not permanently): I’ve had an MRI, Spinal X-rays, 4 months of physical therapy for a numb leg, a chalazion removed from my eyelid, treatment for a corneal ulcer, an EKG, a visit to a Spinal Specialist, Cardiologist, full run of blood work… not to mention annual check ups. All this to say, Mike is perk’ier’ than health insurance! Mike grew up on Long Island and inspired by his mother’s fabulous cooking… attended the Culinary Institute of America in NY… spent some years in San Francisco at AQUA and came out to Maui about 6 years ago… his new love is paddling outrigger canoe and he just finished his first competitive season paddling his one-man canoe against guys who’ve been paddling since they could walk… even gave them a run for their money… Here is a picture of us a few months back… we were in his backyard admiring a moonbow while spinning in circles~ forgive us the crossed eyes….